mandag den 22. august 2011


Hey guuys!

So this is going to be a short one.. I'm feeling really crappy!
My head has been hurting like crazy for a few days and its really bothering me. Especially because i'm really focusing on school and work right now.. Anyway, i still felt like writing today :)

I am soo looking forward to thursday night when i go to Brande and rehearse again :D.. But just as exited for the 10th of september when i have an audition for Peter Pan the Musical! I'm going for the role of Wendy, the instruktor is looking for a blue eyed girl with long blonde hair.(ME!)

Im tired so i'm going to go now, byyyyye!

onsdag den 17. august 2011

9th Grade.. eh

Hey guys!

So i've successfully completed my first three days in the 9th grade.
So far it's pretty much the same as the 8th, but beacause both of the 8th grades from last year have been put together, we're not only 16 students in our class like last year, we're 24- im trying to get used to that, especially with 15 boys!

The only subject that i'm having a little trrouble with is German. In Denmark, public school students are obligated to recieve at least 2 years of German to get in to the "ordinary" gymnasiums. Most schools start with German lessons in the 7th Grade, but because i came straight from England during that time, and had only had French, i didn't have to.
But now, suddenly my head is gone totally bonkers, and i decided to give it a chance this year.

Anyway, enough about school. I'm  really looking forward to the 25th when i go rehearse in Brande again. I've been singing, practicing my lines and dancing for two weeks!

I'm going to go, i have homework. (Ironically its GERMAN!:/)

By peopless!:)

torsdag den 4. august 2011

Heey.. About the vlog:)

Hey guys!

So, i've just started blogging again after like six months. I've deleted all my old posts because i'm starting from scratch but this time, i've got my camera with me! So it's going to be like a blog-vlog combo, because not every post is going to have a video with it.

Anyway, just to let you know what the deal is, basically this is going to work like a diary for me. I'll just be writing about my everyday life. School, acting, babysitting every week, family, friends and anything else that comes to mind. So if you need some advice or anything, have an idea for a video please let me know in the comments.

So, i cant wait to get started again but i figured you probably need to know something abour me first? So here it goes:

I'm a fourteen year old girl, living in a sweet little town called Engesvang, in Denmark

I live with my mom, her boyfriend, his three daughters and my two cats

I looove acting/singing, and right now i'm working on a big production with my "theaterpeeps" in Brande, which is another town in Denmark.

I'm about to start ninth grade, which in Denmark is probably the most important year in school, because for most people its the last year in "normal school", after ninth grade, the students go their seperate ways, some to to different high schools, some get a job.. and everything i based on the grades you get at all the exams you take at the end of the year.

I'm 1-2 years younger then my friends, because when i came back from England, i skipped 5th and 6th grade..-i was bored in class.

During a normal week, i mostly just hang out with my half-sisters and friends, i rehearse my lines and the song im singing in the production, i chat on facebook to my friends in England who i miss sooo much.

If there is anything elske you want to know then leave me a comment:)