onsdag den 17. august 2011

9th Grade.. eh

Hey guys!

So i've successfully completed my first three days in the 9th grade.
So far it's pretty much the same as the 8th, but beacause both of the 8th grades from last year have been put together, we're not only 16 students in our class like last year, we're 24- im trying to get used to that, especially with 15 boys!

The only subject that i'm having a little trrouble with is German. In Denmark, public school students are obligated to recieve at least 2 years of German to get in to the "ordinary" gymnasiums. Most schools start with German lessons in the 7th Grade, but because i came straight from England during that time, and had only had French, i didn't have to.
But now, suddenly my head is gone totally bonkers, and i decided to give it a chance this year.

Anyway, enough about school. I'm  really looking forward to the 25th when i go rehearse in Brande again. I've been singing, practicing my lines and dancing for two weeks!

I'm going to go, i have homework. (Ironically its GERMAN!:/)

By peopless!:)

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